There is a breach in my heart, it appeared since 10 days ago. just 10 days? Why I feel it seems ages...
As he said, he feels that his life, his heart, his mind lack of a big component if we did not contact with each other...
I feel the same is a kind of subtle sensation. I breathe, I walk, I eat, and I sleep, but I know....some parts of myself just gone...far away from my soul and body...
I resist and resist....resist the desire....the desire that want to talk with him...the desire want everything recover...although I know the probability is an iota...and I have my dignity...I cannot lose it...its the last shield I have to protect myself ...
作詞:向月娥 作曲:陳小霞
讓我愛你 然後把我拋棄
我只要出發 不要目的
我會一直想你 忘記了呼吸
孤獨到底 讓我昏迷
如果恨你 就能不忘記你
所有的面目 我都不抗拒
如果不夠悲傷 就無法飛翔
可沒有夢想 何必遠方
我一直都在流浪 可我 不曾見過海洋
我以為的遺忘 原來躺在你手上
我努力微笑堅強 寂寞 築成一道圍牆
也敵不過夜裡 最溫柔的月光
- Jul 16 Wed 2008 00:01
Crule moonlight